Procurement optimization in one platform


Streamline the workload for your resources, both internally and for your suppliers.

Turnaround time

Reduce turnaround time without cutting down on any compliance and audit functionality.

Easy to use

Easy to use, intuitive web based interfaces with minimum training required.


Ensure that your expenditure fully adheres to public sector standards and regulations.

Audit Friendly

Easy to access audit features with end-to-end tracking capabilities from any point in the process.

Procurement Committees

Easily setup, manage and sign-off all committee decisions.

eProcurement system modules

Create a procurement plan and monitor its progress on the.The system allows you to set due dates and receive reminders when your procurement plan is late or delayed.
Assign teams to specific tasks in your procurement plan. Each member will receive notifications from the system based on their specific roles and tasks.
Hold bid specification meetings, complete agendas and minutes, easily sign registers and declarations electronically within the system.
All published adverts across platforms are uploaded on the system. These are used, in combination with the bid specification to create supplier response windows.
Suppliers can have their attendance at a briefing session logged by scanning a QR code at the venue. Each supplier is sent a unique OTP which can be used to access bid specific information.
Suppliers response to bid as developed in bid specification. Suppliers submission is completed online with all required supporting documents.
Attendance and declarations of the bid evaluation committee are signed electronically and tracked in the system. The system will flag any detected conflicts of interest.
Attendance and declarations of interest from the bid adjudication committee members are signed electronically and tracked in the system.
The system ensures that relevant checks and controls are in place and applied prior to the awarding of a bid to an appointed and/or selected supplier.
Contract management workflow is built into the system. This allows changes to be mapped inline with regulations, including rating and supplier performance.

Key functionality and features


View and track entire organisation procurement, performance and item status visually.

Document Management

Documents are signed electronically and stored on the system with a unique code, to easily find them.

Standard and custom reports

Standard report available with ability to generate custom reports.

Committee setup & management

All committee meetings are managed within the system.

CSD Integration

Seamless integration with National Treasury Central Supplier Database.

Integration Management

We integrate with most legacy systems within the client environment.

Contract management in one platform

Contract initiation

  • Initiate contract from a catalogue of templates
  • Sign off electronically with supplier
  • Group contracts by division, deliverable, type etc.
  • Create a change order (VO) process

Contract monitoring

  • Increase awareness and compliance by monitoring deadlines and deliverables
  • Monitor invoices/payments as per awarded bids
  • Receive notifications for expiring contract

Contract closure

  • Close off contract with pre- determined checklist
  • Audit the contract from procurement to closure
  • Manage disputes and penalties
  • Archive completed contract for future learning

Get in touch

Physical address

  • Greenacres Office Park
  • Cnr Victory and Rustenburg Road
  • Victory Park
  • Johannesburg
